Austin Attractions

Benefits of a Boat Captain

boat rental lake austin / December 23, 2020
Captained boat rentals on Lake Austin

One of the most common questions we receive is if we require a boat captain with our rentals. In short, aye (yes)!

Our boat captains are boating certified in safety education, extremely knowledgeable, friendly and love what they do, but there is also a host of other benefits of having a boat captain on board to consider, too.

  1. They know how to navigate our local waters operationally. This includes understanding Texas laws and regulations with regards to boating basics and conduct (like headway speeds, steering rules & traffic zones).
  2. They have the knowledge to troubleshoot mechanical issues and know how to assist and who to contact in emergency situations.
  3. They help with the loading/unloading of passengers and any personal belongings you may choose to bring on board.
  4. They identify potentially inclement weather conditions and act accordingly to keep you safe.
  5. They can suggest and traverse to popular spots on Lake Austin to swim, explore and capture social media-worthy photos of.

Did you know?… The iconic Pennybacker Bridge is one of the most popular landmarks on Lake Austin and makes THE best background for pictures. It’s just one of many points of interest you’ll see and learn more about when you book with us!

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